Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ok so....this is my third...but drunk post...i couldnt weigh myself last night at the gym...was too scared...So my boyfriends mom got breast cancer and brought up so many feelings about my step dad that just died of cancer..I cant handle anymore what did i do ........drink and this is what you get..No i GET.....I CANT HANDEL PEOPLE WHO DONT WANT TO HEAL>>>>>>>>>>>>TAKE CARE


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So i am super busy today and cant really right a lot.. But I have to say the people in my life are amazing. I am surrounded by really awesome people. You know who you are. So I made a promise to find out new things about myself everyday. Today is really hard I for the love a God cannot think of anything. Who am I?????? So maybe that is where I will start. For me to say how much I weigh is hard. I am so screwed up in my head about weight and how I look. I need to change that.. To face the music and not live in my alter world in my head is scary place. So here i go. This is my list and when i am done in a year i will make a book about ME

1. I am Brandie and I weigh 176lbs.

Monday, January 5, 2009


So, this is my first.. I am a little late on the 365. This year that I am blogging I plan to learn who I am. I hope to embark on the never ending story. I think I am going to make a list of everything i am. One a day for 365 days. I want to also track my weight and body shape. I have hidden for so long from reality. I want to put everything out there and be true to myself.. I am sometimes confused about who I am.